Tuesday 14 May 2013


Silence [sahy-luhns] noun

1. Absence of any sound or noise; stillness.
2. The state or fact of being silent; muteness.
3. Absence or omission of mention, comment, or expressed concern
4. The state of being forgotten; oblivion
5. Concealment; secrecy.

There is injustice happening in our world every minute of every day but yet we choose to be silent. We choose to be mute, we choose for there to be an absence of any sound, we choose to continue the secrecy and we choose not to mention, comment or express concern. We choose to forget.

In a society where we have so many ways to communicate, where information is constantly at our fingertips, it is incredible what we will stay silent about.

Many of us know that there are over 27 million slaves in the world today, that there are more people in slavery today than in the time of Wilberforce. But somehow we are already beginning to become immune to this shocking fact.

We seem to continue our lives seemingly so unaffected.

But we have a voice and we have the choice to speak or to remain silent; a choice that is denied to 27 million other people in this world.

Surely those of us who have a voice have a responsibility to speak out for the voiceless.

So often we don’t. We choose silence.

Silence caused by apathy, inertia, discouragement as we focus on our own comforts, become overwhelmed by the issue or turn a blind eye.

But yet when we remain silent we become a part of the problem, not a part of the solution.

We line ourselves up in agreement with the traffickers and abusers. We agree with their actions through our silence. We allow injustice to continue.

When we consider it this way, silence is not an option. We have to use our voice to fight for the rights of the voiceless. We have to use our voice to restore justice where there is injustice. We have to use our voice to bring light to dark places. We have to use our voice to bring freedom where there is slavery.

I’d challenge you to find a way to use your voice today for those who have no voice.

Lets break through the silence.

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